Thursday 15 May 2014

Buddha,Buddhism Decline and Fall.


Many claim Buddha to be founder of Buddhism but it will be harsh to claim that Buddha is founder of Buddhism. There is no life event in the life of the Buddha when he sets to found religion,nor in the Tripitaka there is a word like Buddhism. Much later in the history of Ancient India people required to differentiate themselves from non followers, the word must have been used. 


The fact that India was predominantly a Buddhist nation till 10th century AD is almost forgotten,although it is becoming a common knowledge nowadays, more importantly this was not an imposed religion,rather accepted by people themselves. By the end of 12 century where university like Nalanda and many others were destroyed with the help of foreign invasion marks the time of darkest phase of history of India. As long as the literature was available to common people it as impossible for anyone to rule the nation.


With the fall of "Dhamma" the nation got into clutches of "Bhramanism",Nation got divided into castes and subcastes with knowledge a subject only to Bhramans.

Bhramanism now became "Hinduism" around 13th century AD. At around 7th century a cult emerged of making Buddha as an Avatar of Vishnu. At around 10th century it was then established in the minds of people. Similar situation is also shown in the movie O My GOD(OMG) where a revolutionary character was declared as 11th avatar of Vishnu. 

Books,Historians and Views:

There has been huge political drama in the history of Ancient and Medieval India, Books by K Jamnadas,L.M Joshi, Pandit Nehru does give a good insight on political nature of History of India. "Decline and fall of Buddhism" by Dr. Jamnadas, "Riddles in Hinduism" by Dr. Ambedkar, Essays of Pandit Nehru on "Aryans" recently published "The Hindus" by Dr.Wendy Doniger all has vital information to all those who ever wish to know "The India" in practical manner.

Any interested student person can check this link to know more on Buddhism in India, its Decline and its fall.

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